Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day

Happy May!
Gosh, I can't believe its May already! Where has the year gone?

So I joined Pinterest in January & I am obsessed! I'd love to have my event coordination company. One of my best friends from college, A & I have come up with the idea to plan mostly weddings, focusing on eco chic! So I've been clearing out my bookmarked pages and pinning all my bookmarks. I'm sure everyone that follows me thinks I'm engaged.. HA! far from it....Actually I don't know how far away that is. R works at a jewelry store now, but we're both looking for other employment. I can't keep working two part time jobs. I have a lot of student loan debt and so I'm looking to have a full time job and then work a part time job on top of that. We've discussed buying a house in the near future. So I've got to get all my credit cards paid off relatively soon!

A & I are currently discussing starting our own wedding blog! keep you posted!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Born again

So Saturday I got my second tattoo! Whoot!
I've been thinking about this one for 2 years...My first tattoo was a thought process of about 2 months.

I only have two because they both have such great meaning.
I chose a phoenix because I love the symbolism of them...
"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some legends). It has a 500 to 1000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again."

After S's passing I thought I would never love again. I would never let myself be vulnerable to someone else for fear of being left again & I honestly thought that S was IT for me. God made us for one another & then S was taken away. But as He would have it, I met someone. R is so amazing. More than I sometimes give him credit for, especially when I'm frustrated. Ha. But R has so many great qualities....I mean to be able to deal with such a huge thing as the girl you love losing the love of her life & still wanting to be with her?!
It's his understanding & love that helped me see that it was okay for me to be happy & love again. S would have wanted me to live a full life.  So I let myself fall & defy gravity. & I am so happy I did. 

Additionally, a phoenix, or firebird in Russian lore, taps into my Russian heritage.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

2X ABC's

A. Age – 23
A. Afraid moment- graduating college....not know where my life is going!
B. Bed size – I believe we have a queen
B. Blissful moment- bubble baths
C. Chore that you hate - there isn't really a chore I hate because [brace yourselves] once I get started I actually enjoy cleaning
C. Childish moment-probably anytime I whine...haha
D. Dogs – a Yorkshire Terrier named Watson
D. Dumb moment- tripping on basically nothing in a hallway my senior year of high school
E. Essential start to your day – Peeing and Eating, just not at the same time.
E. Embarrassing moment- When my friend poked my side and I farted
F. Favorite color – pink!
F. Fun moment-  Study Abroad Fall 2009
G. Gold or silver –I prefer silver but rose gold is growing on me
G. God moment- the night before Sean passed away
H. Height – 5'7.5"
H. Highlight moment-  graduating college.....the work was all worth it!
I. Instruments you play – used to play clarinet & was in my high schools marching band
I. Impaired moment- every time I make tea to take to work and forget it when wrangling Watson into the kitchen
J. Job title – Currently, Teller I & Team Leader
J. Jerk moment- can't think of one now
K. Kid(s) – I think Watson should count....I hope to have someday in the near future.
K. Kind moment- can't think of one I've done recently either....shame on me.
L. Live – in a one bedroom apartment in State College, PA
L. Law (like Law Enforcement) moment-  getting pulled over for turning left at a light and the police officer let me go because I used to do Anti-Smoking Committee with him
M. My first kiss- Kindergarten. My neighbor from two doors down. I chased him around the playground & kissed him on the check.
M. Me moment- when I can curl up & read =]
N. Nicknames – Jessie Wessie, J Pfi,....I am not putting pet names on here
N. Nice moment- When Ryan comes to bed and snuggles with me and whispers such sweet things in my ear
O. Overnight hospital stays – None.
O. Overwhelming moment- paying my student loans =[
P. Pet peeves – Two faced people
P. Piercing moment- two holes on each ear
Q. Quiet time- when doing yoga....which reminds me I need to get back into that.
R. Right or left handed – Righty
R. Regretful moment- not making enough times for friends.
S. Siblings – 1 older sister, 1 younger brother, 1 younger sister
S. Scared moment- not know where life is going
T. Time it takes you to get ready – I'd say between 30 mins to an hour and a half...depending on occasion and what my hair looks like!
T.  Tattoo moment- February 14, 2010....
Another to come this Saturday!
U. Underwear – depends on my mood! but mostly comfy ones
U. Under stress moment- currently because I feel like I should have a fulfilling full time job.
V. Vegetable you love –  sweet corn, broccoli, romaine lettuce, tomatoes
V. Vixen moment- after Rome when I lost 20 pounds! Hopefully I'll be more vixen-like here!
W. What makes you run late – I get sucked in by tv shows, movies
W. Worst moment- when I worry about being left....completely irrational...for the most part
X. X-rays you’ve had –  Teeth, ankle
Y. Yummy food you make – truffles, blueberry buckle muffins
Z. Zoo animal – ♥elephants! & giraffes
Z. Zany moment- I'm sure I've done something stupid to make others laugh.


I am brand new to this whole blog thing. I joined so that I may comment on others blogs & who knows! I may be good at this!

Things I'm grateful for:
Life Group ladies
my growing faith & relationship with the Lord
seeing my niece & family this weekend!
my adorable puppy Watson

My handsome boyfriend

& this LIFE!